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Jonathan's Space Report
No. 836 Draft                                                      2024 Jul 25   Somerville, MA

Chandra X-ray Observatory

Jul 23 was the 25th anniversary of the launch of the Chandra space
telescope aboard STS-93. Chandra continues to operate well in orbit, but
funding for continued full-scale operation is in doubt.

International Space Station

Expedition 71 continues. Crew are Oleg Kononenko, Nikolai Chub, Matthew
Dominick, Michael Barratt, Jeanette Epps, Aleksandr Grebyonkin, Tracy
Dyson, and visiting Starliner crew Barry Wilmore and Sunita Williams.

Turksat 6A

The Turksat 6A satellite, launched into a supersync transfer orbit on Jul 8, reached GEO
at 50.0E by Jul 21.

Table of Recent Orbital Launches

Date UT       Name			     Launch Vehicle	 Site		 Mission  INTL.  Catalog  Perigee Apogee  Incl	 Notes
Jul  8 2330   Turksat 6A                        Falcon 9                Canaveral LC40     Comms    127A  384 x 69600 x 24.1
Jul  9 1900   Ariane L6001 Dummy Payload        Ariane 6                Kourou ELA4        Tech     128  580 x 580 x 62.0
              OOVCube                                                                      Tech     128  580 x 580 x 62.0
              Curium                                                                       Tech     128  580 x 580 x 62.0
              Robusta-3A                                                                   Tech     128  580 x 580 x 62.0
              3Cat-4                                                                       Tech     128  580 x 580 x 62.0
              GRBBeta                                                                      Ast      128  580 x 580 x 62.0
              ISTSat-1                                                                     Tech     128  580 x 580 x 62.0
              Replicator                                                                   Tech     128  580 x 580 x 62.0
Jul 10 2341   Yunyao-1 15                       Shuang Quxian 1          Jiuquan           Weather  F03 -3900? x 500? x 97
              Yunyao-1 16                                                                  Weather  F03
              Yunyao-1 17                                                                  Weather  F03
Jul 12 0235   Starlink Group 9-3                Falcon 9                 Vandenberg SLC4E  Comms    129  138? x 250? x 53.2
Jul 19 0303   Gao Fen 11-05                     Chang Zheng 4B           Taiyuan           Imaging  130A 244 x 697 x 97.5

Table of Recent Suborbital Launches 

Congratulations to my friend Dr. Amy Winebarger at NASA-MSFC on the successful launch of the MAGIXS 
suborbital solar physics X-ray telescope on Jul 16.

Date UT       Payload           Rocket              Site                 Mission       Apogee    Target

May 25?       LRHW AUR          CHGB Booster        Kauai                Test           200?     Kwajalein
Jun 12        HTB-1             T.T. Oriole         Wallops I.           Hypersonic     300?     Atlantic Ocean
Jun 18 0701   Mk 21A RV         Minotaur I          Vandenberg           Test          1000?     Pacific
Jun 20 1030   RockOn            Terrier Imp. Ori.   Wallops I.           Education      114      Atlantic Ocean
Jun 25 2030   MIRV test         Hwasong-16Na        Chongdong            Test           100      Sea of Japan
Jun 30 2005   RV                Hwasong-11Da-4.5    Jangyon              Test           100?     Sea of Japan
Jun 30 2015   RV                Hwasong-11Da?       Jangyon              Test           100?     Sea of Japan
Jul 16 1901   MAGIXS 2          Black Brant 9       White Sands          Solar X        347      White Sands

|  Jonathan McDowell                 |                                    |
|  Somerville MA 02143               |  inter : planet4589 at gmail       |
|  USA                               |  twitter: @planet4589              |
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